NOTE: fields marked with an *, or outlined in orange are required fields.


Application for Tree Cutting Permit (District of Port Edward Rural Area Tree Protection By-law No. 371, 1995)

1. I * of * in the * hereby make application to cut and remove that tree (those trees) situate on property municipally described as * in the Municipality of * and legally described as * identified, described, and shown on the property attached to this application and physically identified and demarcated on the lands by tape, ribbons, or stakes.

2. Attached and forming part of this Application is:

Accepted file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif
Accepted file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif
Accepted file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif
Accepted file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif

3. Tree Protection By-law:

I have read a copy of District of Port Edward Rural Area Tree Protection By-law No. 374 1995 and am aware of the regulations therein.

4. Fees:


I, as the registered owner of the property described in this Application (or with the permission of the registered owner of said property) hereby consent to the Application being made and to the issuance of a permit to the Applicant. I certify that the information in this Application is correct and true and I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for compliance with all provisions of Municipality of Port Edward Rural Area Tree Protection By-law No. 374, 1995.

The personal information submitted in this form is collected in accordance with Section 26 (c, d, e) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) (the “Act”) and will be used for the purpose of the Tree Cutting Permit Application. Please be advised that the District of Port Edward is a “public body” as defined in the Act. Questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information can be directed to the District of Port Edward’s Corporate Office at 250-628-3667 or .

Note: Please ensure the sketch plan accompanying this application is:

  1. dimensioned including the boundaries of the lot and the boundaries of the areas of the portion or portions of the lot from which trees are proposed to be cut and removed;
  2. drawn to scale and marked with the scale and with a north arrow;
  3. contains all the required information;
  4. accompanied by the required fee.

This application shall not be considered complete and shall not be processed until all information required by this form has been provided and all documents and fees have been provided and paid.


For Official Use
  1. This Permit is issued pursuant to the Municipality of District of Port Edward Rural Area Tree Protection By-law No. 374, 1995.
  2. This permit applies only to those certain lands legally described as:
    (the "Lands")
  3. This Permit authorizes the Permittee to cut and remove only the trees in those areas on the Lands shown and described on Schedule 1 to this Permit subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out.
  4. This Permit is issued subject to the following terms and conditions:
    1. any tree authorized to be cut or removed by the Permit shall only be cut or removed in strict compliance with the provisions of the District of Port Edward Rural Area Tree Protection By-law No. 374, 1995.
    2. no tree shall be cut or removed in those areas described on Schedule 1 to this Permit until:
      1. such areas have first been demarcated on the Lands by tape, ribbon or stakes;
      2. such demarcated area or areas have been inspected by the Municipal Engineer or his designate to ascertain whether they comply with the permission herein; and
      3. the Director of Public Works or his designate has signed this Permit in the space provided below.
  5. The authorizeation herein to cut or remove trees expires and is of no further force or effect one year after the date of issuance of this Permit.
  6. This Permit is issued by Council resoluition on the _____________ day of ________________, 20___.

I, ____________________________________, the DIrector of Public Works or designate have inspected the lands to which this Permit applies for the purposes of Section 4(b) of this Permit.

Dated this ___________ day of ___________________, 20____

Director of Public Works or Designate