NOTE: fields marked with an *, or outlined in orange are required fields.

Applications received after the submission deadline will not be considered.


Application must comply with all guidelines as set out in the District of Port Edward Permissive Tax Exemption Policy FIN # 507

A separate application is required for each property (roll number)

The following items must be submitted with the application form:

  1. Confirmation of charity status per CRA or Certificate of Good Standing as a registered society per BC Registry Services
  2. Financial Statements including Balance Sheet and Income Statement for most recent fiscal year (signed by Auditors or Treasurer)
  3. Financial Budget for the upcoming fiscal year (12-month Period)
  4. Scale drawing of property that includes buildings (including use of space), parking lots, landscaping etc.
  5. Copy of lease agreement (if applicable)

Only complete applications, with all supporting documentation, will be considered. Additional information may be requested as deemed necessary.



1. Is your organization the registered owner of the property?*

If no, does the organization have a lease agreement with the District of Port Edward or other public authority and is it required to pay property taxes directly to the District of Port Edward or to the owner of the property?

Accepted files: pdf, doc, docx.
2. Does anyone live in the building(s) or on the property?*
3. Is your organization a Registered Charity or Non-Profit Society that is active and in good standing?*
Accepted files: pdf, doc, docx.
4. Is the organization in compliance with all municipal policies, plans, bylaws, and other applicable regulations (business licensing, permits, zoning, etc.)?*
9. Are the services or programs offered by the organization widely available in the District? Is your organization competing against other local businesses providing the same recreation services or programs?*
10. Does the organization provide services or programs to people outside of the District of Port Edward?*

11. Does your organization have any 3rd party agreements including rentals or use of the building(s), parking lot(s), or services rendered? i.e. Daycare, For-Profit business?*

12. Has the organization received grants from the District of Port Edward, Provincial or Federal Government, Regional Government, Crown Agencies, or other funding agencies in the last 3 years: i.e. Grant-in-lieu, Tax Exemption, Annual Grant?*
13. List all Agencies to whom a grant has been requested for the ensuring year, and note amount of request and status (approved, denied, or pending) of application.
14. Do you propose to turn a portion of the grant received to any other organization?*


I understand that all required information must be attached to this application to be considered for a permissive tax exemption and that additional information may be requested prior to consideration of this application.

I understand that if this application is approved in full or part, it is our organization’s responsibility to contact the District of Port Edward if significant changes occur with respect to the organization, ownership or principal use of property.

I understand that the property use must be in compliance with all applicable municipal policies and bylaws.

I certify that I am an authorized signing officer of the organization, and that the information provided in this application and supporting documentation is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

The personal information submitted in this form is collected in accordance with Section 26 (c, d, e) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) (the “Act”) and will be used for the purpose of "Permissive Tax Policy Application". Please be advised that the District of Port Edward is a “public body” as defined in the Act. Questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information can be directed to the District of Port Edward’s Corporate Office at 250-628-3667 or .

Knowingly submitting an application or information that is not true or accurate will result in loss of eligibility.